Posted by: jasonburkos | July 23, 2009

Obama: Cops Acted Stupidly in Arrest of Professor

Hmmm….so our president believes that Cambridge Police acted stupidly, then admits that he doesn’t have all the facts in the case.

Isn’t that typical Obama? Let’s see, what other areas of his job does this apply to as well?

Mr. Obama is trying to inflict health care on all of us without all the facts about costs and ramifications.

Mr. Obama pushed the Climate Change bill through Congress without any real evidence of global warming or how this bill will raise energy costs on Americans.

Mr. Obama is closing Guantanamo Bay without all the facts about the terrorists or all the facts as to where they will go when the prison closes.

Mr. Obama pushed through two stimulus plans without all the facts as to how that money will be spent and how it will impact the economy.

Mr. Obama is trying to push another stimulus package without all the facts how the others impacted our recession.

Mr. President, when do you EVER have the facts?

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